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DECEMBER 9, 2021


There are these days where the world just isn't very nice. Maybe you've got a hangover, maybe you've read the news, maybe it's cold and rainy and you haven't got time to sit down with a book and tea. What do you do on these days? You activate a nice memory.

After a very stressful first half of the semester and the midterms in the bag, we were all exhausted. I hadn't managed to go to the mountains nor to the sea, and that was true for most other people as well. Now, we finally had time. Luckily, my friend Clara's grandpa has a house at the beach, and she invited my friends Paul, Carolin, and me to spend a couple of nights there. It was exactly the break we had hoped for.


I took the Mamiya and shot a roll of Portra 400. Portra 400 and I are still not the best of friends - I prefer its two other siblings - but I also feel I don't give it the same attention. It's a true middle child. I think that I like Portra 160 more for summer colours, and Portra 800 more for the grain structure. Where 400 really excelled was when the sky was overcast. There is an immediacy, and a plasticity that the other images lack (which is probably more due to my skill than due to the film). That being said, I love the look of the title image. There is such a vibe in it, and no way to place in time.

These kinds of experiences make me realise how much I still have to learn about film - and I feel this roll is quite representative of that. If I can set up my pictures a bit and take my time, I'm usually very happy. Capturing fleeting moments with moving targets in changing light and different sunlight angles - much harder. Again, the title image is a very good example of where I want to go - and the rest are a great example of how much of the way I still have to go. Therefore, please see these images for what they are - a practice roll, and a lovely memory.


The trip in itself was awesome. We went to the beach, and despite everyone's promises I was the only one to go into the water. I hate swimming, but the others said we should bring swimtrunks, so I reluctantly did. If I bring them and put them on, I will go in - I've made the effort already. Interestingly, the Mediterranean in November is warmer than the Atlantic in July - take it from me, it was my bathtub this summer. We also hiked to a lovely hill for sunset, saw a super cool saltwater hole, cooked and played games. It was a truly restorative holiday.

On those gloomy days where you've lost a bit of faith in the world, where you feel that bit more vulnerable, anxious, raw, I like to remember trips like this. Carefree times with friends at the sea, playing games, doing nothing and a lot, chasing good photos. It doesn't get much better than that.

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