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NOVEMBER 12, 2021


Alpine blue

I don't usually feel at home in places, I feel at home with people. Germany, Bavaria, they are not home. My parents and my friends on the other hand, they are my family, they are home. It was important to me to cherish that feeling one more time before leaving Germany, so I did some floral arrangements with my mom and I went for a hike with my dad. The photos from my mom's workshop didn't turn out well (fluorescent light is a hellish invention), but the photos from the hike I like very much. I brought the Mamiya with me, and if good weather is on the horizon, I'm going to leave my trusty DSLR at home from now on. Mountains on film are dope.

There is, however, one exception to not feeling at home in places. For some reason, everytime I see the mountains near my childhood home, I'm filled with a very primal joy. That's what coming home feels like, I guess. I don't understand it, and I actually think I'm an ocean person more than a mountains person - but I won't fight it. I hadn't hiked with my dad in years, and I was really happy we managed to do it before I left. It felt exactly like every hike in my childhood - the vibe of those mountains just doesn't change. I look forward to hiking there again and again whenever I visit Germany. I really don't care where I live as long as I'm happy, but it feels good to know I have a second home in the mountains - and with my parents.


My dad

Childhood views

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